
large-scale groundwater flow in Baltic Artesian Basin and impact of human activities on it;
the impact of climatic and geological factors on the groundwater low after the ice age;
the effects of climate changes on shallow groundwater and interaction of hydrographical network and groundwater;
new programming approaches for groundwater modelling.

Administrative director: Gunta Kalvāne, e-mail: gunta.kalvane (at) lu.lv Leading researcher: Dr. Phys. Jānis Virbulis, e-mail: janis (at) modlab.lv Leading researcher: Dr. Geol. Aija Dēliņa, e-mail: aija.delina (at) lu.lv Leading researcher at the project partner Latvia University of Agriculture, Valdis Vircavs, e-mail: valdis.vircavs (at) llu.lv