The session was organised in the scope of the European Social Fund project „Establishment of interdisciplinary scientist group and modelling system for groundwater research”.
The abstract book from this session is available for
Presentation material for each talk is available for download by clicking on the link for each presentation, below:
Invited speakers:
- <link file:96155 _blank download the state of art and new trends in application isotope-geochemistry for groundwater>Rein Vaikmäe, The state of art and new trends in application of isotope-geochemistry for groundwater research.
- <link file:96160 _blank download specifics of hydrogeological parameters determining for two-phase liquids flow in the porous>Oļģerts Aleksāns, The specifics of hydrogeological parameters determining for two-phase liquids flow in the porous media.
- <link file:96163 _blank download alexander stephan fault zones in a structure model of the thuringian>Jonas Kley, Alexander Malz, Stephan Donndorf, Towards "realistic" fault zones in a 3D structure model of the Thuringian Basin, Germany.
- <link file:96157 _blank download riga technical and presuppositions on creating use of the regional hydrogeological model>Aivars Spalviņš, Riga Technical University, Limits and presuppositions on creating and use of the regional hydrogeological model of Latvia.
- <link file:96165 _blank download jānis ilze aija tomas baiba inga and projections of hydraulic conductivity devonian cambrian clastic>Eleonora Pērkone, Jānis Bikše, Jānis Jātnieks, Ilze Klints, Aija Dēliņa, Tomas Saks, Baiba Raga, Inga Retiķe, Studies and projections of hydraulic conductivity of Devonian and Cambrian clastic sediments.
- <link file:97414 _blank download andrejs jānis of hydrogeological model to the surface roughness and spatial variability hydraulic>Juris Seņņikovs, Andrejs Timuhins, Jānis Virbulis, Sensitivity of hydrogeological model to the surface roughness and spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity.
- <link file:97413 _blank download juris modelling of groundwater dynamics in the baltic artesian>Jānis Virbulis, Juris Seņņikovs, Transient modelling of groundwater dynamics in the Baltic Artesian Basin.
Problems and processes:
- <link file:96164 _blank download of groundwater in sedimentary basins: traditional and alternative>Albertas Bitinas, Formation of groundwater in sedimentary basins: traditional and alternative models.
- <link file:96679 _blank download jana water filled underground oil shale mines as a heat>Veiko Karu, Jana Pavlenkova, Water filled underground oil shale mines as a heat source.
- <link file:96159 _blank download juris andrejs andis the groundwater flow in baltic basin during last>Tomas Saks, Juris Seņņikovs, Andrejs Timuhins, Andis Kalvāns, Reconstructing the Groundwater Flow in the Baltic Basin During the Last Glaciation.
- <link file:96156 _blank download inga artūrs kaspars valdis zane ilva agnese latvia university of uncertainty the future annual long-term groundwater table fluctuation regime in>Didzis Lauva, Inga Grīnfelde, Artūrs Veinbergs, Kaspars Abramenko, Valdis Vircavs, Zane Dimanta, Ilva Vītola, Agnese Gailuma, Latvia University of Agriculture, The uncertainty of the future annual long-term groundwater table fluctuation regime in Latvia.
Chemical composition of groundwater:
- <link file:96166 _blank download andis aija eleonora inga of groundwater composition in the depression cone riga>Baiba Raga, Andis Kalvāns, Aija Dēliņa, Eleonora Pērkone, Inga Retiķe, Evolution of groundwater composition in the depression cone of the Riga region.
- <link file:96162 _blank download aija of stable isotope content in groundwater to validate the results hydrogeological model baltic artesian>Alise Babre, Aija Dēliņa, Application of stable isotope content in groundwater to validate the results of the hydrogeological model of the Baltic Artesian Basin.
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- <link file:96158 _blank download visualisation of groundwater chemical composition using the rgb scale. an example from d12>Andis Kalvāns, The visualisation of groundwater chemical composition using the RGB scale. An example from the D12 aquifer, Latvia.
- <link file:96169 _blank download andis criteria of the results underground water>Jānis Teterovskis, Andis Kalvāns, Credibility criteria of the results of underground water analysis.
- <link file:97102 _blank download andis aija alise baiba eleonora elements in groundwater latvia: existing data and first new>Inga Retiķe, Andis Kalvāns, Aija Dēliņa, Alise Babre, Baiba Raga, Eleonora Pērkone, Trace elements in groundwater in Latvia: existing data and first new results.
- <link file:96168 _blank download ilva curve analysis approach for>Agnese Gailuma, Ilva Vītola, Recession curve analysis approach for groundwater.
- <link file:97104 _blank download jānis aija of water abstraction on groundwater flow in the>Ilze Klints, Jānis Virbulis, Aija Dēliņa, Influence of water abstraction on groundwater flow in the BAB.
- <link file:97411 _blank download konrāds jānis tomas aija statistics for describing hydraulic conductivity of the quaternary strata from latvian borehole log>Jānis Jātnieks, Konrāds Popovs, Jānis Ukass, Tomas Saks, Aija Dēliņa, Useful statistics for describing hydraulic conductivity of the Quaternary strata from the Latvian borehole log data.
- Juris Burlakovs, Armands Ruskulis, Environmental situation in the area around Inčukalns ponds and threats to groundwater.
- Juris Burlakovs, Dzintars Lācis, The development trends of Mūru-Žagares and Jonišķi-Akmenes groundwater horizon surface depression and sea water intrusion impact in Liepāja city.
- <link file:97415 _blank download aija alise data on the cfc concentration and corresponding ground water age in fresh groundwater of>Jānis Bikše, Aija Dēliņa, Alise Babre, Additional data on the CFC concentration and corresponding ground water age in the fresh groundwater of Latvia.
- <link file:97103 _blank download konrāds tomas the caledonian structural complex deformation through thickness>Jānis Ukass, Konrāds Popovs, Tomas Saks, Reconstructing the Caledonian structural complex deformation through thickness analysis.
- <link file:97101 _blank download jānis tomas v1 geometrical model: integrating heterogeneous and uneven density data into a geological>Konrāds Popovs, Jānis Ukass, Jānis Jātnieks, Tomas Saks, BAB V1 geometrical model: integrating heterogeneous and uneven density data into a 3D geological model.
- <link file:97412 _blank download andis sensibility analysis of cl- and so42- titration in groundwater>Oļegs Grigorjevs, Andis Kalvāns, The sensibility analysis of Cl- and SO42- titration in groundwater samples